100% paperless. Capture, track and bill for time easily and accurately.
Manage project budgets and activities.

100% paperless. Capture, track and bill for time easily and accurately. Manage project budgets and activities.





Your go-to work platform

Your Challenge

  • Manual capture of timesheets, expenses & leave
  • Delayed billing
  • Data inaccuracy & capturing errors
    Admin intensive
  • Manual creation of invoices from timesheets
  • Difficulty tracking time, expenses and profitability per client, project or team/business unit

Our Solution

  • Easy capture of timesheets, expenses & leave via web & mobile app
  • Set hourly cost & billing rates per project, activity and staff member
  • Track time, expenses and profitability per client, project, team or staff member
  • Project budgeting and costing
  • Paperless authorisation up to 3 levels
  • Digital client signoff
  • Integrates with Fusion Software payroll and financial software, and numerous other 3rd party software


  • Customisable billing rates per Project, activity
    and person
  • Auto generated invoices based on rules and timesheet authorisation if the accounts, integration is used in conjunction
  • Track budget vs. actual time spent
  • Simplified internal and external process – approve time, set reminders and notifications


  • Check and authorise timesheets weekly
  • Summary and detailed view
  • Up to 3 levels of approval
  • Set reminders and notification emails

Capture Easily

  • Capture daily and weekly, or via calendar or timer
  • Capture time against projects & activities
  • Capture notes & link documents
  • Employees capture time accurately
  • Simplified internal and external process – approve time, set reminders and notifications


  • Reporting by staff, team, customer and project
  • Live dashboards and charts
  • Timesheet calendar shows all time captured at a glance
  • Billing, target and profitability reports per customer, project, team and staff
  • Forecasting of time and resources on Project and activities

CRM Features

Easy Capture

  • Capture on web or mobile app
  • In-app timer
  • Real-time monitoring.
  • Daily and weekly time capture
  • Track projects, timesheets and billing info

Manage & Track

  • Improve employee productivity
  • Improve project planning
  • Resource scheduling
  • Track all logged hours
  • Invoice only billable tasks

Manage & Track

  • Increase accuracy of project forecasting
  • Effectively track your project budget
    vs actual costs
  • Set different billing rates per employee, project or task


  • Report on budget vs. actual time spent
  • Detailed reporting by staff, team,
    customer or projects
  • Target & Profitability reports


  • Integrated quoting, timesheet billing
    and invoicing
  • Integrated expenses and leave
  • Custom integration offered as a service

Mobile App

  • Mobile timesheet capture
  • Mobile expense capture
  • Mobile approving of time and expenses

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